How energy healing can transform you?

When I say "Give yourself love, care and attention and watch yourself bloom." - I mean it!

Just look at the visual representation of my own healing journey. As you can see in the pics below - the inner state of being is reflected in the physical body.

The picture on the left was taken at one of the lower points of my life. And there were even lower points! I did not always look, felt or behaved like I do now.  

That girl on the left went through a lot in her life. She was completely disempowered, terrified of being heard or seen, unbalanced, ungrounded, and overwhelmed. Her hands and feet were always cold. She was constantly tired, she would overeat and smoke. Even making a simple phone call would stress her out.

There's so much of my past self that I don't resonate with anymore, but I love her just the same. She was doing her best. She fought so hard to get me where I am now.

Taking first steps in energy work back in 2009 was one of her best decisions ever. She was very scared and there were a few times when she needed a break or move slower but she kept going and for that I'm forever grateful ❤️

Healing is a very personal journey but it can truly transform your life from within.

With love,
